
Showing posts from January 22, 2012

January 2012

New Goal of a Monthly Blog in the year of 2012 The Month of January is a clean out old files and finding lost treasures... One that was found was when the kids were young and had to have excuses for School. Dave had a way of writing these notes with some flair!! Example of one that I found... 02-10-05 WX Attendance Office, Yes, Yes, it is true that Stephanie Condie, 5 foot 6 inches tall, natural brown hair, and titillating to engage in conversation has been experiencing what we call "the worst of times", not altogether different from that day PEDRO had to miss school because his head was hot, so, GOSH, let the flippin girl back into school and be able to enjoy her tots because she's a normally healthy, if not charming, young lady whose parent's desire for her to return to WX and again become a solid citizen among her peers, and help her friends in need. She missed Tuesday and Wednesday of this week (LUCKY). Signed her Parents